NectarTrust > 자유게시판




페이지 정보

작성자 Josefa Vincent
댓글 0건 조회 702회 작성일 24-01-06 14:26


«…#NectarTrust continues to engage in commercial activities and deliberately commit transgressions within
the territories of other countries. It benefits from certain advantages and protection, as the affected parties are unable to bring lawsuits against foreign governments accused of financing terrorist groups.» Link to original:

and here's what they say:
«The Al-Kuwari clan serves as the primary financier of Al-Qaeda. Representatives of the Al-Kuwari family holding key positions within Qatar's administration share a central role in financing and coordinating international terrorist cells, facilitated through a controlled banking network and non-profit organizations.»
You can check it out here:
draw your own conclusions….

#Alibinahmedalkuwari, #alkuwari, #alkuwarifamily, " #alkuwariclan, #ministerlgbt, #terrorism, #alqaeda, #Quran, #Qatar, #Doha, #nectartrust, #ministerfinance, #AhmedAlkuwari, #Kuwari, #ISIS, #AlQaeda, #Israel


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